Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
Based on identification results using the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard in previous years, as well as methods adopted by benchmark companies, we selected 9 types of important stakeholders of KGI Life, including the competent authority, cooperating channels, policyholders, employees, media, suppliers/contractors, investees, charity organizations/NGOs and shareholders (parent company) disclosed in 2021. We engaged shareholders through different channels to understand their topics of concern, as well as their opinions and feedback, which are referenced during material topic analysis. We adjust management measures or provide corresponding information on this basis to achieve good engagement results.
Competent Authority
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
Shareholders (Parent Company / Investors)
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
Cooperating Channels
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
Social Welfare Organizations / NGOs
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
Suppliers / Contractors
Engagement Purpose
Communication Channel
We are willing to engage in dialogue and effective communication with stakeholders. If you have any suggestions regarding our sustainability planning, please feel free to contact us.
KGI Life Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Sustainable Development
+886-2-2719-6678 ext. 1884