Material Topic

Material Topic Identification
KGI Life identifies material topics each year while referencing the internal opinions of the parent company, and divides topics into positive/negative impact based on the latest GRI Standards. We conduct an internal questionnaire survey to comprehensively assess topics with positive/negative impact based on "degree of impact" and "potential financial impact." In 2023, the Corporate Sustainability Development Committee distributed questionnaires for assessing the impact of topics to the heads and members of the six task forces for identification, in generating the material topic matrix and ranked topics for 2023.
Impact Assessment

The questionnaire to assess topics of impact was distributed to the heads and members of the six task forces in 2023. The 12 topics with positive impact and 12 topics with negative impact were assessed and calculated based on "degree of impact" and "potential financial impact." At the same time, the probability of occurrence is taken into consideration to generate a matrix of material topics with positive and negative impact.

  • Degree of Impact : The subjects and significance of impact, and whether the impact can be mitigated or remedied through management measures for the topic are comprehensively assessed.
  • Potential Financial Impact : The financial impact on the Company when the impact occurs and the probability of occurrence are comprehensively assessed.
Sort by Materiality

The 12 topics with positive impact and 12 topics with negative impact are divided into three levels: material, secondary, and other topics, to generate the material topic matrix and ranking of material topics for 2023.

  • Positive Impact : The three topics "Protect shareholders' rights and interests," "Improve the convenience of services through digital banking," and "Optimize service quality and maintain customer relationships" have the most significant positive impact.
  • Negative Impact : The three topics "Disruption of operations or threats," "Major risk events," and "Leakage of corporate and customer information" have the most significant negative impact.


Comparing 2023 with 2022, KGI Life adjusted its method for identifying material topics, and identifies materiality based on corresponding positive / negative topics. This allows the positive/negative impact of each topic to be seen. Furthermore, in addition to assessing the degree of external impact of topics, the financial impact of topics was also considered in 2023. Due to changes in identification method, the number and description of material topics are significantly different from those in 2022. Among them, the 2023 material topics "Improve the convenience of services through digital banking," "Optimize service quality and maintain customer relationships," "Major risk events," and "Leakage of corporate and customer information" still correspond to four 2022 material topics "Digital finance and innovation," "Treating customers fairly and customer relationship maintenance," "Risk management," and "Information security and personal data protection."