Talent Cultivation

Talent Innovation Cultivation
Internship Program
The Company launched the Internship Program, and provided different internship opportunities for the summer, semester, and academic year, allowing students who are still in school or about to graduate to participate in work processes of a company before entering the workplace. The internship experience strengthens their professional competence and helps them understand the blueprint for their future career development. It also allows the Company to go into campuses and build bonds with students, communicate the Company‘s brand value, obtain the benefits of MAs, and give interns the opportunity to become YouLead candidates.
Industry-academia Collaboration Project
We aim to strengthen human capital, cultivate industrial talent, and fulfill its corporate social responsibility. We strengthen the technical and practical abilities of the younger generation through industry-academia collaboration mechanisms, and allow them to gain an understanding of the workplace at an earlier stage, so that they will enhance their professional competencies. We have signed industry-academia collaboration agreements with many outstanding public and private schools.
We provided guidance with respect to policyholder practices, corporate culture, and professional fields. We completed student internship monthly logs, student internship results reports, and student corporate performance evaluation forms according to schedule in coordination with schools, and many students were offered a job, aligning exceptional talent on campus with the FinTech industry.
Agent Recruitment and Development
We are increasing for the 4th consecutive year despite the pandemic to become the 4th largest life insurance agent team in Taiwan. We are actively expanding the scope of agent recruitment, and provide more diverse and complete subsidy projects based on the background of job applicants, including: Rising Star, Elite, Top 1,000, and Leadership projects. Whether it is graduates entering the workplace, people changing careers, or even sales experts from peers in the industry, the projects show our determination to cultivate talent.

We develop key skills and integrates professional competitiveness through the close connection between the Training Department, Agency Development Department Training Center, and offices, providing a complete and solid training system for agents to receive systematic training as they progress in their career, and steadily work towards fulfilling their dreams. Agent retention rate reached 86.6% in 2022, meaning that on average 86 out of 100 agents remained at the Company , showing that we have developed a complete and comprehensive talent training system from training, marketing, to organizational expansion, helping upgrade the agent team. We have become the number one choice of life insurance agents, and continue to work towards becoming the most recommended and trustworthy life insurance company.
We planned courses in eight directions related to the competencies of agents, including marketing, organizational development, administrative sales services, digital tools, and law courses. In addition to required courses on laws, we also provide comprehensive training courses on new product knowledge, digital tools, and required competencies for business development.
RFA Courses
We abide by the principles for treating customers fairly and continues to improve the professional competences for agents. To train comprehensive retirement financial planning personnel to assist the elderly and general consumers, we specially introduced RFA courses to achieve optimal asset allocation and financial planning through diverse financial products for retirement.
AI Coach
We developed the industry-first tool for the application of AI in talent recruitment, and utilizes i-Agent to integrate product marketing, talent recruitment, after-sale service, and performance tracking. We further collect data for analysis and application in channel development, and significantly increased the conversion rate and personnel business development time, improving the quality of organizational development and new businesses.
AI Product Training
We obtained the industry's first "AI product training" tool, using new technology to help employees become familiar with products and accelerate product sales. AI interaction mechanism– New product training lets agents interact with AI technology. The system provides personalized scores and recommendations based on the contents of responses. After completing training, direct supervisors examine training results and provide individual guidance or advanced exercises to shorten the time supervisors spend on training and testing, which further increases the productivity of new employees and supervisors.

According to statistics, the average productivity of agents that frequently use AI product training was 7% higher than other agents. The AI product training function can reduce the time spent by supervisors on basic training for agents. As a result, every supervisor can save 1.5 days of guidance time per month, which can be used on sales activities and business development instead.